Month: October 2015
Onderwijsdag SEG WFG 3/11
Programma onderwijsdag 3 november 2015
- 9u30-10u30: opleidingsvergadering
- 10u30-12u30: skillsonderwijs luxaties en reposities
- 13u-14u: intervisie voor AIOS en ANIOS met Monique de Boer, gynaecoloog
- 14u-14u30: referaat over shock, Anne-Floor Kallen
- 14u30-15u15: onderwijs Kirsten Jageman, intensivist
- 15u15-15u30: pauze
- 15u30-16u: casus/incidentbespreking Matthijs Douma
- 16u: einde EL QUIZ DE MARCOS
En dan avondeten in EL STAMKROEG DE MARCOS!
EM RECAP 2015 December 7th in Hoorn
Get ready and listen to your Dutch colleagues bringing back interesting messages and lessons after visiting one of the great 2015 EM conferences!
Adinda Klijn presents @ EuSEM
The faculty of Emergency Medicine at the Westfriesgasthuis was excited to witness the scientific presentation of our new Emergency Physician in training, Adinda Klijn at EuSEM 2015 in Torino.
Adinda will be starting her EM residency at the Westfriesgasthuis in January 2016.
Today she joint the list of speakers from Emergency Medicine Westfriesgasthuis at EuSEM 2015 after our residents Matthijs Douma and Eveline Barends gave their presentations yesterday.
She presented her paper “To Wells or not to Wells” on the use and possible overuse of CT pulmonary angiography in excluding pulmonary embolism.
SEH-artsen i.o. Rock @ EuSEM 2015
We are proud to congratulate our fellow RESPECT EM! Westfriesgasthuis team members Eveline Baerends and Matthijs Douma who presented their scientific work at EuSEM 2015 today! Tomorrow our future Resident in training, Adinda Klein will give her talk ‘To Wells or not to Wells’.
For images and more info see our RESPECT EM! website and follow us on twitter!