Wetenschappelijke Biografie SEH DLZ



  • Elise Tiebie, Eveline Baerends, Tom Boeije, Philip Frankenmolen et al. “Efficacy of cola ingestion for oesophageal food bolus impaction: open label, multicentre, randomised controlled trial” Accepted for publication in de BMJ Christmas Edition 2023. BMJ 2023; 383. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-077294 (weblink) (pubmed)
  • L Verweij, I Sierevelt, David Baden…. Tom Boeije et al. “Modified Delphi study to identify which items should be evaluated in shoulder instability research: A first step in developing a Core Outcome Set”. July 2023, JSES International. doi: 10.1016/j.jseint.2023.06.012 (weblink)
  • David Baden, Martijn Roetman, Tom Boeije, Nieke Mullaart et al. “BRASD trial: biomechanical reposition techniques in anterior shoulder dislocation—a randomized multicenter clinical trial“. International Journal of Emergency Medicine
    volume 16, Article number: 14 (2023). doi: 10.1186/s12245-023-00480-6 (weblink) (pubmed)

Current research projects

  • Z.M. Reijnders, N. Dorscheidt, N. Mullaart-Jansen, V.M.P Rietveld. “Serratus anterior plane block; a feasible, safe and effective method for pain management for rib fractures in the Emergency Department.” Nationaal prospectief cohortstudie.
  • J. Moekotte, O.P.C. Augustzoon, N.E. Mullaart-Jansen. “Urine Dipstick In Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department (DIPPED) – a prospective study comparing diagnostic accuracy of urine dipstick testing and microscopic urinalysis”
  • N. Dorscheidt et al. “iPOWER: Improving PrOductivity and perceived Workload among Emergency physicians and Residents”
  • L. Timmer, J. Polak, , T. Boeije, F.A.M. Roossien, N.E. Mullaart. Increasing Competence of health care providers: Application of newly Learned non-pharmacological Methods in the Emergency Department: the CALM(ER) study.”



  • Nicky Niele, Frans B Plötz, Ellen Tromp, Bart Boersma, Maarten Biezeveld, Matthijs Douma, Katja Heitink, Gavin Ten Tusscher et al. “Young children with a minor traumatic head injury: clinical observation or CT scan?”. Eur J Pediatr. 2022 Sep;181(9):3291-3297.doi: 10.1007/s00431-022-04514-8. (weblink) (pubmed
  • Jiri MoekotteMarly E. Bos, Matthijs D.M. Bolmers. “Een vrouw met een zwelling in de buik na een hoestbui”Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 22 april 2022;166:D6698 (weblink) (pubmed)

Current research projects

  • Z.M. Reijnders, N. Dorscheidt, N. Mullaart-Jansen, V.M.P Rietveld. “Serratus anterior plane block; a feasible, safe and effective method for pain management for rib fractures in the Emergency Department.” Nationaal prospectief cohortstudie.
  • J. Moekotte, O.P.C. Augustzoon, N.E. Mullaart-Jansen. “Urine Dipstick In Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department (DIPPED) – a prospective study comparing diagnostic accuracy of urine dipstick testing and microscopic urinalysis”
  • N. Dorscheidt et al. “iPOWER: Improving PrOductivity and perceived Workload among Emergency physicians and Residents”
  • L. Timmer, J. Polak, , T. Boeije, F.A.M. Roossien, N.E. Mullaart. Increasing Competence of health care providers: Application of newly Learned non-pharmacological Methods in the Emergency Department: the CALM(ER) study.”

Current research related positions

  • Emergency Medicine Research coordinator for the National Research Committee of the NVSHA (T. Boeije, N.E. Mullaart-Jansen)
  • Boardmember of the committee for the national assembly of the NVHSA (N. Dorscheidt)
  • Boardmember of the committee for the internatinal assembly of ICEM 2023 (N. Dorscheidt, G. Jelsma)
  • Boardmember of the NVSHA national research committee (L. Wansink)



  • Gideon H. P. Latten , Judith Polak et al. Stassen “Frequency of alterations in qSOFA, SIRS, MEWS and NEWS scores during the emergency department stay in infectious patients: a prospective study” International Journal of Emergency Medicine (2021) 14:69. doi: 10.1186/s12245-021-00388-z. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Myrte van der Kraan, Elke L. Hobbelink, Jayant Kalpoe, Sjoerd M. Euser, Dominic Snijders, Dennis Souverein, “Performance- and cost-benefit analysis of an influenza point-of-care test compared to laboratory-based multiplex RT-PCR in the emergency department”. Am J Infect Control. 2021 May 11;S0196-6553(21)00340-0. doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2021.04.087. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Peter Veldhuis, Maartje Melse, Nieke Mullaart, “Implementation of isopropyl alcohol inhalation as the first-line treatment for nausea in the emergency department: practical advantages and influence on the quality of care.”. Int J Emerg Med. 2021 Feb 24;14(1):15.doi:10.1186/s12245-021-00334-z. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Amber E Hoek, Marieke Joosten, Diederik W J Dippel, Ed F van Beeck, Leandra van den Hengel, Björn Dijkstra, et al. “Effect of Video Discharge Instructions for Patients With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Ann Emerg Med. 2021 Mar;77(3):327-337. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2020.10.023. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Backus, Barbra E.A; Dorscheidt, N.B; Gerretsen, B.M.A; Dobson, P.C. “Rebuild resilience in emergency physicians to prevent burnout during COVID-19 pandemic” European Journal of Emergency Medicine: March 9, 2021 – doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000814 (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Moekotte J, Schuurs TC. “Painful swelling of the hand.” Emerg Med J. 2021 Sep;38(9):732-741. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2020-210283. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Salet DM, Moekotte J, Singh AK, Dzelili M, Kooter AJJ. “Crystal meth – een nieuwkomer.” Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2021 Jul 8;165:D5684. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Z.M. Reijnders, T.C. Schuurs. “Spontaneous pneumomediastinum following the use of amphetamine and marihuana.” Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 23, 2021, 101051, ISSN 2405-4690. 


  • Dorscheidt, N.B. “Rebuild resilience in emergency physicians to prevent burnout during COVID-19 pandemic” Selected as one of the top 6 abstracts for live and poster online presentation at DSEM 2021 on October 14th.



  • N Azizi, E ter Avest, A.E Hoek, Y Admiraal-van de Pas, P.J. Buizert, DR Peijs, I Berg, AV Rosendaal, T Boeije, V Rietveld, T Olgers, J.C. ter Maaten on behalf of the PRIDE consortium. “Optimal anatomical location for needle chest decompression for tension pneumothorax: a multicenter prospective cohort study.” Injury (2020). doi:10.1016/j.injury.2020.10.068 (weblink)
  • Schuur, Daan; Baden, David; Roetman, Martijn; Boeije, Tom; Mullaart-Jansen, Nieke E.; Burg, Michael D. “Which factors influence the ED length-of- stay after anterior shoulder dislocations: a retrospective chart review in 716 cases”. BMC Emergency Medicine. 20, 41 (2020). doi: 10.1186/s12873-020-00336-9 (weblink)
  • DN Baden; M.H. Roetman; T. Boeije; N. Mullaart-Jansen; M.D. Burg. “A survey of emergency providers regarding the current management of anterior shoulder dislocations”. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2020;13:68-72. doi: 10.4103/JETS.JETS_87_18 (weblink)
  • Schmitz D, Vos M, Stolmeijer R, Lameijer H, Schönberger T, Gaakeer MI, de Groot B, Eikendal T, Wansink L, Ter Avest E. Association between personal protective equipment and SARS-CoV-2 infection risk in emergency department healthcare workers. Eur J Emerg Med. 2020 Nov 6. doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000766. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33105329. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • van der Pas RSD, Gresnigt FMJ, Wansink L, Franssen EJF, Riezebos RK. “Acute onset heart failure due to reverse type Takotsubo cardiomyopathy caused by a single dose of 4-Fluoroamphetamine in a healthy young individual.” Toxicol Rep. 2020;7:1629-1633. Published 2020 Dec 3. doi:10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.12.003 (weblink) (pubmed)


  • Maartje Melse, Nieke Mullaart-Jansen, et al. Small measure, big changes: how introducing isopropyl alcohol (IPA) inhalation for nausea increases health care efficiency in the ED. Selected as one of the top 6 abstracts for live and poster online presentation at DSEM 2020 on June 4th.


  • Maartje Melse, Nieke Mullaart-Jansen, et al. Small measure, big changes: how introducing isopropyl alcohol (IPA) inhalation for nausea increases health care efficiency in the ED. Price for Best Abstract(presentation) during the live online presentation at DSEM 2020 on June 4th.
  • Eveline Baerends, Tom Boeije, Anna Van Capelle, Nieke E. Mullaart-Jansen, Michael Burg, Albert Bredenoord. “Therapy for Oesophageal Food Bolus Impactions A case series.” African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019 March. doi.org/10.1016/j.afjem.2018.09.005 (weblink) (pubmed). Nominated for the dr. Th. Veliusprijs 2020.
  • N. Dorscheidt et al. Stimuleringssubsidie 2020 Spoedeisende Geneeskunde Onderzoeksfonds (9 december 2020).



  • Joger Jacobs, et al. “Richtlijn indicatie immobilisatie en beeldvorming bij acute traumatische wervelletsels”. National Dutch Guideline on Spinal Boney Injury. November 15, 2019. (weblink)
  • Marieke Opdam, M.D.; Kristine W.A.C. Koekkoek, M.D.; Tom Boeije, M.D., Nieke Mullaart-Jansen, M.D.; Arthur van Zanten, M.D. Ph.D.“Mid-arm circumference method is invalid to estimate the body weight of elderly Emergency Department patients in the Netherlands”. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Aug;98(32):e16722. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000016722 (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Louise S. van Galen, MD, Daisy Vedder, MD, Tom Boeije, MD, Wilma Jansen, BA, Nieke E. Mullaart-Jansen, MD, Donald L. van de Peet, MD, PhD, Ralph K.L. So, MD, Prabath W.B. Nanayakkara, MD, PhD, FRCP: “Different perspectives on predictability and preventability of surgical readmissions; a prospective cohort study.” J Surg Res. Volume 237, May 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2018.02.009. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Eveline Baerends, Tom Boeije, Anna Van Capelle, Nieke E. Mullaart-Jansen, Michael Burg, Albert Bredenoord. “Therapy for Oesophageal Food Bolus Impactions A case series.” African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019 March. doi.org/10.1016/j.afjem.2018.09.005 (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Nicky Nielea, MD, Marlies van Houten, Bart Boersma, MD, PhD, Maarten Biezenveld, MD, PhD, Matthijs Douma, MD, Katja Heitink MD, PhD, Gavin W. ten
    Tusscher MD, PhD, Ellen Tromp, PhD, J.B. van Goudoever, Frans B. Plötz, MD,
    PhD. “Adhearance to pediatric minor traumatic head injury guidelines resulted in the overuse of CT-scans.” Acta Paediatr. 2019 Feb 5. doI: 10.1111/apa.14742 (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Maybritt I. Kuypers, Adinda Klijn, Nieke Mullaart-Jansen, Frans B. Plötz. “Availability and Quality of Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Emergency Departments without Emergency Physicians, Results of a National Survey in The Netherlands.” World J Emerg Med. doi: 10.5847/wjem.j.1920-8642.2020.02.001. (weblink) (pubmed)
  • Marly Bos, et al. “Richtlijn Acute Appendicitis”. National Dutch Guideline on Acute Appendicitis. July 1, 2019. (weblink)
  • KW Lansink, CJ Cornejo, T Boeije, MF Kok, GJ Jurkovich, KJ Ponsen. “Evaluation of the Necessity of Clinical Observation of High-Energy Trauma Patients without Significant Injury after Standardized Emergency Room Stabilization”. 50 Landmark Papers every Trauma Surgeon Should Know, 101-104 2019. Artikelen 1–12 (weblink)


  • Schuur, Daan; Baden, David; Roetman, Martijn; Boeije, Tom; Mullaart-Jansen, Nieke E.; Burg, Michael D. “Anterior shoulder dislocations in the Emergency Department: analysis of factors influencing length-of-stay in 716 cases”. Poster presentation at 12th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, June 5-7, 2019.
  • Maartje Melse; Peter Veldhuis; Nieke Mullaart. “A whiff of IPA takes nausea away!”, Poster presentation at 12th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, June 5-7, 2019

New research projects

  • Elise Tiebie, Eveline Baerends, Tom Boeije et al. “Cola for oesophageal food bolus impaction”. Multicenter prospective study initiated from the Dijklander Ziekenhuis in colloboration with AUMC (location AMC). Status: Ethical approval achieved.
  • Tom Boeije, Vincent Rietveld.Echografische beoordeling van de borstwanddikte: implicaties voor naaldthoracostomie”. Multi center collaboration through the UMCG. Status: Data analysis.
  • Maartje Melse, Marly Bos, Björn Dijkstra. “Resuscitation orders in emergency medicine (ROEM): a retrospective study on the daily practice of registration of resuscitation orders in the Dutch emergency department”. Status: data acquisition.
  • Karlijn Ganzeboom, Nieke Mullaart-Jansen, Wendy Prawirodirdjo-Noort.“Intranasal S-ketamine for pediatiric procedural sedation in the ED”.



  • Luuk Wansink, M.D., Maybritt I. Kuypers, M.D., Tom Boeije, M.D., Crispijn L. Van Den Brand, M.D., Manon De Waal, M.D., Joris Holkenborg, M.D., Ewoud Ter Avest, PhD.“Trend analysis of emergency department malpractice claims in the Netherlands: A retrospective cohort analysis.” Eur J Emerg Med. 2018 Sep 1. doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000572 (weblink) (pubmed)


  • Maybritt I. Kuypers, Adinda Klijn, Nieke Mullaart-Jansen, Frans B. Plötz. “Procedural sedation and analgesia practices in Dutch emergency departments staffed without emergency physicians”. Poster presentation at EUSEM September 9, 2018.
  • Maartje Melse, Peter Veldhuis, Nieke Mullaart-Jansen. “Aromatherapy with isopropyl alcohol as first-line therapy for nausea in the Emergency Department: an implementation study”. Oral presentation at Amsterdam Scienceday  June 27, 2018.
  • Maybritt I. Kuypers, Adinda Klijn, Nieke Mullaart-Jansen, Frans B. Plötz. “Procedural sedation and analgesia practices in Dutch emergency departments staffed without emergency physicians”. Poster presentation at 11th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, May 30, 2018.


  • Introduction of treatment with IPA. June 18, 2018: Encouragement Prize for young scientific writers (weblink)



  • Tom van der Hulle, MD et al. Years Study Group (Klijn, Adinda et al) “Simplified diagnostic management of suspected pulmonary embolism (the YEARS study): a prospective, multicentre, cohort study.” 2017 Jul 15;390(10091):289-297. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30885-1. Epub 2017 May 23. (weblink)(pubmed)
  • Douma MR, Dijkstra BL, Burg MD: “Knee Dislocation: A Case Report, Diagnostic Vascular Work-Up, and Literature Review” Case Reports in Emergency Medicine, vol. 2017, Article ID 9745025, 4 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/9745025. (weblink)
  • Louise S van Galen1, Mikkel Brabrand2, Tim Cooksley3, Peter M van de Ven4, Hanneke Merten5, Ralph KL So6, Loes van Hooff7, Harm R Haak8,9, Rachel M Kidney10, Christian H Nickel11, John TY Soong12, Immo Weichert13, Mark HH Kramer1, Christian P Subbe14, Prabath WB Nanayakkara1: “Patients’ and providers’ perceptions of the preventability of hospital readmission: a prospective, observational study in four European countries”. Collaborators Safer@home collaborator group (alphabetically ordered): L Ackermans, A B Arntzenius, D G Barten, M H van derBie, T Boeije, D A Chamles, E Chaudhuri, M Diepenbroek-Meekes, D P Cooper, E M Durinck,J A van Erven, T A Graaff-de Kooter, F Holleman, J Huussen, W Jansen, J JJensen, J Kellet, T Knol, I Lee, T S van Lieshout, A J Meinders, N E Mullaart-Jansen, S C van Nassau, J L Pedersen, R O Jensen, A Pronk, M R Kristensen,A M Ridge, T C Roeleveld, M C Schipper, D Vedder, J P van der Vorst, J Wachelder. BMJ Qual Saf. 2017 Jun 22. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2017-006645 (weblink) (pubmed)


  • Hes N.N., Azijli, K., Minderhoud T., Nanna Panday R. Gijsberg S, de Brouwer R., Mullaart N.E., Boeije T, Huisman S,  Nanayakkara, P.W.B.: “Diagnostic Value of New Sepsis Criteria in the Emergency Department (DISC study)”. XIth European Congress of Emergency Medicine, September 23-27 2017.
  • Hes N.N., Azijli, K., Minderhoud T., Nanna Panday R. Gijsberg S, de Brouwer R., Mullaart N.E., Boeije T, Huisman S,  Nanayakkara, P.W.B.: “Diagnostic Value of New Sepsis Criteria in the Emergency Department (DISC study)”. Xth Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, June 7-9  2017.



  • Baerends, Boeije, Mullaart-Jansen: Cola for the relief of esophageal food bolus obstruction. Ninth Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, June 3 2016
  • Mullaart-Jansen, Boeije, Douma, Baerends, Burg: The RESPECT EM! Project (Research Education and Stimulation Program Creating Tomorrow’s Emergency Medicine): Development of a national and international collaboration by Emergency Physicians to promote Emergency Medicine research in the Netherlands. Ninth Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, June 3 2016
  • Baerends, Bell, Fredlund: Purple Urine Bag Syndrome. International conference on emergency medicine (ICEM), April 18-21 2016


  • Burg MD, Baerends EP, Bell HC: Unusual Urine Color During Catheterization. American Family Physician. 2016 Oct 1;94(7):572-574. PMID: 27929213 (pubmed)


  • Baerends, Boeije, Mullaart-Jansen: NVSHA Award for best scientific abstract: Cola for the relief of esophageal food bolus obstruction. Ninth Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, June 3 2016
  • NVSHA Award Nomination of RESPECT EM! for ‘Best Initiative in Emergency Medicine’ bij the Dutch Society for Emergency Medicine. May 27 2016

New research projects

  • Baerends, Boeije, Mullaart-Jansen, Bredenoord (AMC): Cola for the relief of esophageal food bolus obstruction. A multicenter prospective study. Status: developmental stage.
  • Baerends, Boeije, Mullaart-Jansen, Bredenoord (AMC): Cola for the relief of esophageal food bolus obstruction. A multicenter retrospective study. Status: developmental stage.
  • Baden, Roetman, Boeije, Roodheuvel, Mullaart-Jansen, Peeters: Biomechanical Reposition techniques in Anterior Shoulder Dislocation (BRASD). Randomized multicenter clinical trial. Status: developmental stage. METC approved.
  • Baden, Schuur, Roetman, Boeije, Roodheuvel, Mullaart-Jansen: Retrospective analysis of schoulder disclocations in 2 non-academical centers. Status: started.
  • Dijkstra: Mild traumatic brain injury and Outcomes with VIsual patient Education (MOVIE), a randomised controlled trial. Multicenter study. Status: started. Trialregister.
  • Douma: CBO richtlijn ‘Licht traumatisch hoofd-hersenletsel’: prospectieve cohort studie bij kinderen. Status: started.
  • Mullaart, Boeije, Vedder: Capturing Readmission Internationally To Prevent Readmission by safer@home (CURIOS@). Prospective cohort study. Status: started. Trialregister.



  • Douma, Mullaart, Boeije, Baerends, Burg: EuSEM 2015 Oral presentation of the RESPECT EM! project description.


  • Douma MR, Burg MD, Nicolai MPJ, Wiersema A: Wandering Wire … Where? – A Heartrending Report. J Emerg Med. 2015 Oct 22. pii: S0736-4679(15)01020-3. PMID: 26602426. doi:10.1016/j.jemermed.2015.09.025 (PubMed)
  • Douma MRBurg MD, Tiddens O, Wiersema AM. A painful blue foot. Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (PCD). Neth J Med. 2015 Nov;73(9):439-40. PMID: 26582812. (PubMed)